
How To Massage Scar Tissue After Blepharoplasty

This article was reviewed and co-authored by Dr. John Tiberi, One thousand.D.,Os (lath-certified orthopaedic surgeon)

Although it's not something that'due south widely discussed with care teams and surgeons, the size and appearance of a scar is something that patients recall well-nigh. Whether you've had a hip replacement, knee replacement, meniscus surgery, ACL reconstruction, shoulder or back surgery, a scar is inevitable. Although you won't have a whole lotta control over how your body will scar, there are things you can exercise when it comes to breaking up scar tissue and adhesions. You lot tin can also play a role in healing your scar with scar tissue massage.

Read on as we:

  • Intermission downwardly your FAQ nearly scarring and scar tissue
  • Share the basics of scar tissue massage (like when is information technology prophylactic)
  • And how to massage your scar tissue at home.

But first, grade is in session! Pull upwardly your chair for 'Scarring 101' and acquire the nuts.

Scar 101: FAQ About Scars

surgery scars FAQ

Did you know scars don't tan…they burn? The structural properties of a scar are different from regular skin. Scar tissue doesn't take melanin (which is responsible for skin pigmentation). In fact, scars are more susceptible to UV harm and become sunburned more hands than regular skin. Always put sunscreen on and comprehend your scar in the sun!

Q: What is a Scar?

A: A scar is a marker left on your skin subsequently an injury or an incision. Scar tissue forms during the healing procedure every bit the trunk produces collagen fibres to close and heal a wound. These collagen fibres do not abound in the same, consistent management, and therefore are discoloured and tin can have an uneven texture. A scab forms over the wound to protect the area from germs. In one case healed, the scab will fall off and your newly formed scar volition reveal itself. Is the human trunk absurd or what?!

Q: When Does a Scar form?

A: There are iii phases of wound healing and scar germination after an incision is made during a surgery or a deep wound is inflicted.

3 Phases of Wound/ Incision Healing:

  • Inflammatory Phase: Blood clotting begins and the incision/ would volition wait red and inflamed. This only lasts a few days later surgery or injury.
  • Proliferation Phase: New tissue (collagen fibres) form to close and heal the wound. The expanse will feel raised and scabbed. This phase lasts ii-10 days. There area may feel warm, have some draininess and numbness.
  • Remodelling Phase: This is the final stage where your scar forms. Equally scar tissue forms, nerves heal, feeling returns to the area and the scar feels less proliferated (textured). Your scar may feel itchy and be more than sensitive than regular skin. At commencement your scar may appear imperial, then white, so eventually become closer to skin colour.

Your scar will be visible after scabbing is gone. This ordinarily happens 10+ days after an incision or a deep cut/ wound.

Q. What Determines the Appearance of My Scar?

A: In an interview with Dr. John Tiberi, orthopedic surgeon, he shared that the appearance of a scar largely has to practice with your genetics. According to Dr. Tiberi the nearly determining factors when it comes to how visible your scar will be: genetics, history of scarring, and location on the trunk. In other words, if you have a history of bad scarring and your immediate relatives do every bit well, chances are your scar volition be more noticeable. In addition, if your incision or wound is on part of the trunk that is under tension, is tighter, more stretched, and is less fleshy or fatty (similar a shoulder, shin, or knee) your scar will be more than pronounced than say, if on your buttocks.

Q: How Long Volition My Scar Heal For?

A: Scars will continue to heal and fade for up to two years after an incision or injury. The remodelling phase in your incision healing involves the lightening of your scar equally the scar heals.  A mature scar is smaller, flatter, and paler. During the healing procedure, there are ways to ameliorate how your scar heals and for larger scars over joints, it's critical that y'all "piece of work" your scar to prevent tightness.

For tips on healing your scar faster, cheque out our article "Scar Healing, Size & Handling Later Joint Replacement Surgery".

Enough about the basics! Allow's get into massaging scar tissue.

Scar Tissue Massage: When, Why & How?

Before y'all beginning massaging your scar or enlisting a professional to perform scar tissue massage, your scar has to be in a good place. Do not massage until your incision has fully healed and is a scar (not just a wound or scab). If you massage your scar prematurely y'all could cause it to reopen or tear, leading to an infection.

Do not massage a scar until at least 2 weeks subsequently a surgery or injury. Massaging scar tissue is most constructive in the beginning 2 years while the scar is still forming and healing.

Why Scar Tissue Massage?

Massaging scar tissue has many benefits. Hither are of the main reasons to regularly scar massage (especially in the start ii years afterward surgery/scarring):

  • Decrease scar tissue build-up. Excess scar tissue can make muscles potent and weaker, and in some cases can require scar tissue removal surgery.
  • Helps amend blood period, which promotes healing and the scar's pliability.
  • Drains excess fluid to reduce swelling and proliferation.
  • Helps regain feeling in the area and decrease numbness, tingling, soreness.
  • Increases range of movement and the scar'south flexibility. This makes movements feel less restrictive and "tight".
  • May help with the advent of your scar.

How to Massage Your Scar

As listed higher up, there are lots of benefits to scar tissue massage. When scar tissue is broken down through massage, you can help your body heal faster, and possibly reduce the appearance of your scar. Here's how we recommend you massage your scar tissue at home:

  • In early healing phases, try and massage your scar for ten-xv minutes a day (ii-3 times a day for 5 mins).
  • Utilize a non-perfumed Vitamin E lotion or oil to your scar area. Vitamin E is proven to help build collagen and massaging with lotion lubricates the skin, cutting down friction.
  • Using the pad of your thumb or finger, firmly massage in a round motility. You should be pressing hard plenty that your fingernail turns from pinkish to white, but information technology should not be painful. First go up the scar clockwise, work your style up and around your scar slowly but maintaining a business firm pressure level. Switch it up by massaging counter-clockwise. This will aid to drain excess fluid from the area.
  • Next, stretch the skin apart around your scar, and echo your massaging with a business firm circular motion using your thumb or finger.
  • With pressure, slowly slide your finger up the scar while apply pressure. Change direction by slowly sliding down.
  • Echo the process several times for 5 minutes or and then.

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John Tiberi, M.D.,Bone is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in minimally-invasive hip and human knee replacement surgery and reconstructions. He attended medical school at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Middle in Torrance, California. Dr. Tiberi completed his fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. He is a published orthopedic in journals such equally The Journal of Arthroplasty, Journal of Bone Joint Surgery (JBJS), and Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Dr. Tiberi is the winner of Dana Thousand. Street Orthopaedic Research Award.


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